Department Of Pharmacology
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) is Four-year integrated, full-time course after XIIth Science with PCB or PCM group. This course also comprises 30-days industrial training. In actual course, the student has to study following subjects theoretically & practically & qualify subsequent examination which is conducted in semester pattern by the Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
Apart from course content, students are expected to participate in additional support arranged for them for successful career. These includes visits to industries/ hospitals; excursions & field trips; value-addition initiatives, active-learning initiatives, guest lectures on technical issues, personality development, competitive examinations, professional & social awareness, right attitude building modules; career guidance etc.
On successful completion of course, the students are successfully grab government/private jobs in Hospitals/ Medical stores/Community as a Pharmacist or may enter into own medical shop (Retail/Wholesale sale). Students with excellent score may get admission to Post graduate (Master of Pharmacy, M.Pharm) to enhance career opportunities.

Dr. Lokhande Vasant Yashwant
Head of Department
At Arvind Gavali College of Pharmacy we try to inculcate knowledge of Pharmacology in students so they can grab job opportunities in highly specialized diverse fields like Pharmacovigilance, Pharmaceutical marketing, Product Management, clinical Data management, Clinical Trials, and Community Pharmacy.